Saturday, January 22, 2011

Culture Shock

I was reminded of an episode today that I just had to share. Not to long ago, maybe last month. My swamp hubby, a friend and I were cleaning out the garage. We were at it for a while and getting a little discouraged. Then we heard this strange noise which I couldn’t identify.
Hubby says “That sounds like a frog getting eaten by a snake.”
Our friend and I look at each other like yeah ok. When we turn back he's missing. He calls from outside the garage and we go to look. He points at something that he’s bending over and says:
“Look it’s a snake eating a frog!”
I had one of those moments of culture shock. When the people and things you’re around are just completely foreign to you. I can’t remember a time when I’ve had an occasion to watch a snake eat a frog. But the swamp hubby has heard it enough to recognize the sound of it.

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