Bon Voyage |
We (myself and a few fellow Moon Lakeans) had a bon voyage party for one of our own who is flying the coop, leaving the nest, jumping ship. She and her guy with their lil chubby cheeked baby girl are moving to Orange county, as in California. The polar opposite of Pasco. Where we have trees and dirt roads, they have concrete and racial diversity. As it always happens, talk starts of who’s lived in Moon Lake the longest, who left and came back. Conversations that begin with words like “I have been here since; before Capone’s house burned down, when Little Rd was still dirt, when the cops were afraid to come to Moon Lake…” It becomes a contest of who is the most decorated veteran of The Lake. There are an amazing number of us who leave and come back. Even after swearing we never will. The phenomenon know as “once you drink the swamp water, you’ll never leave”. Proven over and over. So though we wished our friends good luck and hoped for the best in the back of all our minds was “they’ll be back”. It’s just a matter of when.