The first day of winter is a week from now. But you wouldn’t know it here. It’s cold and bright and sunny. I’m determined to stay warm and I’m doing it with layers. Onions have layers, Ogre’s have layers and so do I! I was born in Michigan but moved here when I was six. I can still remember stepping off the back porch into snow so high it went over my head. I remember getting snowed in and watching my father dig us a tunnel to get out the front door. I moved down to Florida in December and when I stepped off the plane, the sun was shining and the sky was the truest blue I’d ever seen. I don’t think I got cold once that winter. But alas, my blood has thinned and 45 is way too cold for me and 25 (which is the low for tonight) is unimaginable. Now I know I’ll get a lot of flack from the poor peoples that live up north, u know who you are *smile*, because they’re dealing with blizzard weather. And I’ll probably deserve it. But it certainty won’t keep me warm tonight. Brrrrrrr!
I just wanted to introduce everyone to our little friend. We affectionately call Stumpee. He’s an armadillo, see his tail? Missing the end of it. Notice it’s daylight, armadillos are nocturnal with a few exceptions to cloudy days. Our Stumpee is always foraging during the day & night and just about anytime. When I trip over him in the yard, sometimes he scares me and sometimes I scare him. One time he ran head first into the shed, hard enough to knock himself senseless. There’s some damage to his armor too, looks like a gator got a hold of him. I don’t think he’s been the same since. He’s our “special” friend (read brain damaged). I like to think of him as the Moon Lake Mascot. Not that bright but somehow cute.